
Showing posts with the label Living a Meaningful Life

Where did the shopkeeper go?

A refreshing read of the Harvard Business Review recent article dilated my pupil. What? Are the stores going to disappear? Will the landscape of shopping change forever? Will there be no more shopping centers? Why? I haven't been more intrigued, fascinated, and skeptical (yeah! all at the same time) about technology than right now. Possibilities are endless; advantages are primarily twofold- saving time and saving effort, making you more effective, efficient, and adding convenience to life. Cliche, but technology has transformed our lives in ways we had never imagined. Interestingly, we are cashing it all. Also, being without it is neither feasible nor desirable. It's embedded in the world we inhabit. Our sensory experiences are vacating life to make room for virtual reality. And shopping is just one of them. The landscape of shopping has changed. The article reveals new advents and how our lives are going to be further revolutionized. From Amazon to Ikea to Sep

There is something about HOME

It is the way some evenings welcome themselves into our life. Some are enveloped in the shade of deep orange and some in clear blue sky with white clouds floating like cotton balls; some are wrapped in darkness with no stars to twinkle and a pale dark blue blanket all over. And, some are washed in the moonlight, shining so bright that it becomes difficult to differentiate the day from the night. In every way, evenings are my favorite. The day is too bright for me and the nights too dark. What makes me feel comfortable are the silken evenings. Or maybe there is something more to that. Evenings I guess, symbolize 'return.' It's reassuring to see the birds fly back to their nest as we wait to get back to ours. The children, gleefully playing in the green parks, bathed in sweat, look forward to going back to their homes where their mothers wait with bated breath. They shall be washed and scrubbed and made to sit and study in their warm beds. Somewhere, ol

A letter to the best agony aunt-Maa- Happy Mother's Day

Maa, I am just so upset, irritated. This is not done. I am just so not into Mother's Day. One day this father-son duo will make me breakfast- the humble, effortless bread and omelet( no grand, sumptuous aloo parathas),  present me pink Lillies, take me out for shopping, and rest of 364 days, I keep chasing them for everything. Huh. From riches to rag story all in a day. This is what it is. Unbelievable. What is the use of Mother's day?  The little grandson of yours is making me demented day by day. He thinks I am his Google in life. Maa, he is just four and has 400 questions every day. That makes 400*364 to answer. Now you see my plight. And I can't even ask him to go to Daddy. That brings to another big problem in my life- His Daddy, his calls, his work. I tell you Maa, this man is forever on his phone. The adage - 'and they lived happily eve after' is most suitable for this man and his phone. He just doesn't have time. Either he is on his daily st

I don't want Sunday a holiday for myself- It's not about < ,> or = in a family.

I do my bit , and you do your bit. Each 'BIT' counts. Each  'BIT '  is valuable in a family. I know you are around , and you know I am there...doing our 'BIT .' My family is not my employer. My family is beyond weekdays and weekends and vacations. My family is beyond salary slips and I-cards. And what I do for my family is no job. Whatever I do for my family, I do for my 'JOY.' Trust. It gives me pure joy to see them all taken care of.  As far as my rest is concerned and their share of responsibility, I don't need a special day for it.  Their share of love, affection, and care is there for me every day. Because when I close the kitchen and switch off the light at 11 pm, I see my husband toiling on his con calls, his shoulders dropping with exhaustion. My 3-year-old is sleeping soundly after doing his clean-up of toys.  If I am doing laundry on Saturday, my husband is busy running around to get the week's groceries. If I am cleaning up the

Suryanamaskar-Zero investment, Maximum returns in 15 minutes.

A flat tummy is a joyful tummy. Being a Life Coach and a blogger-I get to sit more than I walk. :( I belong to the category of women who are not fitness freak but fitness conscious. I prefer eating healthy, drinking healthy, and staying fit and not necessarily in perfect shape. I belong to the category of women who are forever juggling between home, work, kids, husband, friends, and self. I am also one of those addicted to the 'basics’ of life and crave simple basic things that can help. Be it home remedies for hair growth or cold and cough or decorating the DIY way with strewn acorns or exercise, I would choose mother earth and my body rather than hit a gym any day. Do I consider myself a fit person? No. But I try every day to do the right things for my body, mind, and soul. This is one regime that I have been doing for a decade now. Lately, I keep missing it because of my newfound interest in a brisk walk for 30 mins daily, which burns 100 calories for me. I don't get very a