Suryanamaskar-Zero investment, Maximum returns in 15 minutes.

A flat tummy is a joyful tummy.

Being a Life Coach and a blogger-I get to sit more than I walk. :(

I belong to the category of women who are not fitness freak but fitness conscious. I prefer eating healthy, drinking healthy, and staying fit and not necessarily in perfect shape.

I belong to the category of women who are forever juggling between home, work, kids, husband, friends, and self. I am also one of those addicted to the 'basics’ of life and crave simple basic things that can help. Be it home remedies for hair growth or cold and cough or decorating the DIY way with strewn acorns or exercise, I would choose mother earth and my body rather than hit a gym any day.

Do I consider myself a fit person? No. But I try every day to do the right things for my body, mind, and soul.

This is one regime that I have been doing for a decade now. Lately, I keep missing it because of my newfound interest in a brisk walk for 30 mins daily, which burns 100 calories for me.
I don't get very ambitious with exercise because I know keeping up with it isn't easy. The motivation, the effort, and the time are all scarce resources. Hence I try to keep it short but CONSISTENT.

Here also, I would keep it short and simple.


What is it?
Literal meaning Sun Salutation. A form of yoga.

How is it done?
Click on Yoga Poses

Time Taken?

How many rounds?
12 for weight management and trying for a flat tummy. Please remember that for fat to burn from anywhere; we need to burn calories. Slow yoga postures give the body lots of flexibility, but for burning calories, one has to exert.

Calories burnt?
One round of Surya Namaskar comprises 12 postures. That burns up to 14 calories. Normally one is supposed to do two rounds which are 24 yoga postures. When one does 12 rounds of Surya Namaskar(288 yoga postures) in about 12-15 mins of time frame, it becomes an excellent cardiovascular and full-body exercise.

Studies have found that in a 30 minutes’ beach volleyball, an individual burns 265 calories, tennis burns-232 calories, and running 414 calories, and Surya Namaskar burns 420 calories.

How many calories in a week?
Woman-31-50 year of age
1 pound of fat is = 3,500 calories.
If you have to lose 1-2 pounds in a week, one has to burn 3500 calories in a week, around 500-800 calories a day more per day than you consume. Suryanamaskar, therefore, becomes one effective form of exercise in a span of 12-15 minutes when done properly.

Also, not to forget that we burn calories why sleeping too. An average person, while sleeping, burns around 500 calories. Studies show that an average person of weight 150 lb burns around 63 calories in an hour of sleep. That means for a seven-hour adult sleep, one burns 441 calories in one night.
Additionally, you can do these for a flat tummy- all exercises or asanas which put pressure on the belly part are good. From crunches to burpees to jumping jacks to cycling while lying down, all put pressure on the belly area, and that's what we want to reduce.

Two exercises that I do-
  • Left Toe touching with a right hand and vice versa. This can be practiced while sitting down or standing up—an excellent exercise for tummy fat.
  • Placing palms upside down near the chest, bringing thigh up one at a time, and touching the palms.
Things to remember-
  • One should start yoga on an empty stomach or-or have four hours gap between a meal and yoga.
  • Empty bladder and bowel are recommended; hence early mornings are preferred for Surya Namaskar.
  • Wearing loose-fitting clothes for both men and women is essential.
  • People with any kind of ailment should consult their physician before starting any form of exercise or yoga. The same goes for a pregnant woman too. One should neither do yoga on the hard floor or a soft bed. A yoga mat on the hard floor or a sheet on the soft earth is a good idea.
  • For beginners, they should not do 12 rounds on the very first day. Do not overstrain yourself. Do only two rounds, followed by some breathing exercises.
  • Gradually increase your rounds. Do not overstrain yourself. If you feel that a particular posture is feeling uncomfortable, release yourself immediately.
  • Try attaining the posture with gradual ease and not with a jerk. After getting into a pose, if you feel out-of-breath or feel pain of any sort, release it immediately release yourself. If the problem persists, see a doctor without delay.

Good Habits that don't hurt :)
  • Start your day with a glass of water and Vitamin C C(half a lemon).
  • Try to drink 8 glasses of water during the 24 hours period. Staying hydrated is good for the body, hair, and skin.
  • Don't skip breakfast.
  • Try to cook at home and limit restaurant trips.
  • Try to cook fiber and plant-based meals and go slow with anything that has saturated and trans-fat, high cholesterol, and sodium levels.
  • Though household chores do not burn many calories, they keep you active, and that's important. I don't miss my household chores and get the benefit of having a well-organized and neat home.
  • Pray.


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