Meaningful Parenting- The first five years to the five senses-Part 2

Dear Technology, Do what you can, but don’t take away from me the simple pleasures of life. Be a part of my life but don’t engulf me, for I made you and not the other way around. From- A Parent. There are specific guidelines which we should keep in mind while regulating the use of the screen in our life and our child’s life. Before the age of five - Let the child explore his senses and learn by experience. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says NO to any screen time before the age of two. Post that the screen time should not exceed two hours. Around October 2015, it further relaxed its guidelines and asks parents to keep it at the minimum and, when exposed, to focus on the quality of the content and focus on interaction and learning. Scientists say that the best way to learn something is to take it in through multiple senses simultaneously. Learning rhymes and enjoying Music - Is there a better singer for an infant or a toddler than this mom? And play if ...