
Showing posts with the label #Life Coach

How my son turned me into a Vegetarian?

..because I was tired of lying to my 4-year-old son. Lying every day. Lying whenever he asked me the question . I felt like a cheat and the biggest hypocrite. I feel like a living example of an OXYMORON- A meat-eating sensitive person. LOOKING BACK. I am 35 now, and it's not the first time it has struck me. But I ate, ate heartily, applauding praises to the chef or to mum, whoever cooked those tender, spicy, delicious sumptuous chicken delicacies or mutton varieties. I was a slave to my palate and traded guilt for taste and hit it under the cover of ‘everybody else is doing it. I alone can't do anything about it.’ Point taken. Traded. Done. Leg piece of chicken goes down the throat with delight. Yummy!!! Somewhere around 9 years of age, the first time I actually went to the chicken shop with my father and saw the entire episode. I was aghast. I was pained. I came back home shocked. Two hours later, I had traded ….my palette a slave …I pretended to repress what I had se...

Why should you choose a Life Coach?

"The essential task of leadership is to create an alignment of strengths in ways that make the system’s weakness irrelevant."- Peter Drucker. ​ ​ Hi! I am glad you are here. I am here because of the same reason- to grow and have a meaningful life. You see, birth and death are inevitable. What happens in-between defines the purpose we are born with and things we will be remembered for. Let me take you through my journey and the revelations life made. I stand here because of what I got to realize early in life, by life. I have to learn to do my own thing and believe in myself self- Comparison is great when it's inspirational, but most of the time, it isn't. It only harbors self-deprecating feelings. I had to say NO to it. Competition is best when done with oneself, to become better than what I was yesterday. That way, I get to set my own standards. I have to learn to value my strengths. The world (including me) tends to naturally focus on what we don...