Rice or Wheat? Ending the eternal dilemma.

What I didn’t know? Glucose is a type of sugar and not sugar itself. Insulin- a hormone that gets secreted when glucose level rises in the body. High blood glucose levels over an extended period of time have damaging effects on the eyes, kidneys, blood vessels, and nerves. Sweet food is high in carbohydrates. All carbohydrates are sugar, whether it is fruit, table sugar, bread, or vegetables. The total carbohydrate content includes all three types of carbohydrates: sugars, starches , and fiber . STARCH A grain contains three parts: · bran · germ · endosperm The bran is the outer hard shell of the grain that provides the most fiber. This makes the grain so beneficial because it is hard to digest, takes longer to digest, and therefore affects blood glucose more slowly (i.e., whole wheat bread, wheat flour, brown rice, red rice oats, vegetables, etc. It also contains the maximum part of Vitamin B and minerals.) The germ is the next layer and is packed with nutrients...