I don't want Sunday a holiday for myself- It's not about < ,> or = in a family.

I do my bit
, and you do your bit. Each 'BIT' counts. Each  'BIT '  is valuable in a family. I know you are around, and you know I am there...doing our 'BIT.'

My family is not my employer. My family is beyond weekdays and weekends and vacations. My family is beyond salary slips and I-cards. And what I do for my family is no job.

Whatever I do for my family, I do for my 'JOY.' Trust. It gives me pure joy to see them all taken care of. 

As far as my rest is concerned and their share of responsibility, I don't need a special day for it.  Their share of love, affection, and care is there for me every day. Because when I close the kitchen and switch off the light at 11 pm, I see my husband toiling on his con calls, his shoulders dropping with exhaustion. My 3-year-old is sleeping soundly after doing his clean-up of toys. If I am doing laundry on Saturday, my husband is busy running around to get the week's groceries. If I am cleaning up the patio on Sunday, I see him giving a bath to our son and feeding him.
"We all are working every moment for our family."

And on Sundays-We all go out to eat. :)

It's not always necessary to put me on a pedestal and make my contribution sound so loftyvirtuous, and extraordinary. I do my bit, and he does his bit. We shouldn't get into whose bit is better, bigger, or more important. A lot of men are absolutely wonderful in the way they conduct themselves as husbandsThey are life partners in the real sense of the termThey are doing everything to get that bread on the table, and so are we. Weekends only mean a holiday for him from his work, not his familyThen why me?

I am against misogyny. I do not favor misandry either.

Image courtesy-Pixabay


  1. Awwsumm blog.Nowadays responsibilities in marriage are divided..it is not a compulsion..rather it is something which has naturally happened for some of us :)


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