
Where did the shopkeeper go?

A refreshing read of the Harvard Business Review recent article dilated my pupil. What? Are the stores going to disappear? Will the landscape of shopping change forever? Will there be no more shopping centers? Why? I haven't been more intrigued, fascinated, and skeptical (yeah! all at the same time) about technology than right now. Possibilities are endless; advantages are primarily twofold- saving time and saving effort, making you more effective, efficient, and adding convenience to life. Cliche, but technology has transformed our lives in ways we had never imagined. Interestingly, we are cashing it all. Also, being without it is neither feasible nor desirable. It's embedded in the world we inhabit. Our sensory experiences are vacating life to make room for virtual reality. And shopping is just one of them. The landscape of shopping has changed. The article reveals new advents and how our lives are going to be further revolutionized. From Amazon to Ikea to Sep

There is something about HOME

It is the way some evenings welcome themselves into our life. Some are enveloped in the shade of deep orange and some in clear blue sky with white clouds floating like cotton balls; some are wrapped in darkness with no stars to twinkle and a pale dark blue blanket all over. And, some are washed in the moonlight, shining so bright that it becomes difficult to differentiate the day from the night. In every way, evenings are my favorite. The day is too bright for me and the nights too dark. What makes me feel comfortable are the silken evenings. Or maybe there is something more to that. Evenings I guess, symbolize 'return.' It's reassuring to see the birds fly back to their nest as we wait to get back to ours. The children, gleefully playing in the green parks, bathed in sweat, look forward to going back to their homes where their mothers wait with bated breath. They shall be washed and scrubbed and made to sit and study in their warm beds. Somewhere, ol

Meaningful Parenting- Everyone doesn't WIN.

So, there is a new concept doing rounds- "WE ALL WIN." Day- 13th July 2017 Time 5:00 pm Place- Playground, Irvine, California A group of boys( 5-8-year-old) caught up in a brawl over who won; I hear an 8-year-old boy chip in and say- "It's okay, we all win. Let's do it that way." I read on Whatsapp that schools are doing away with competitive races, birthday parties have done away with games which require a winner or loser, and passing the parcel has become a game of - 'all win'  and 'all get gifts.' Why? When did this wave come, from where, and why? When  and  where , I am unsure of; however,  I understand the why:  To ensure that children don't get caught up in the winning losing equation and feel emotionally scraped, etc. Parenting comes with this ferocious emotion of protection and security. However,  what's so grossly wrong about losing? In real life - NOT EVERYONE WINS. Some come 1st in their class, some get 60

Why are we obsessed about parenting?

Either way, it's a big deal today. You browse through parenting articles and Google throws you ******************websites/blogs. Phew. That's a lot.  Our parents were not into such craziness, yet we all grew up to be fine, doing well, earning well, and living well. I read somewhere that we have moved from 'fairly interested parents that our parents use to be to wholly invested parents.' Yes! And there is a reason behind this. TIMES CHANGED; HENCE THE NATURE OF PARENTING CHANGED. I shall touch upon few aspects, knowing very well that there are subtle, not so subtle, big and small aspects that contributed towards the current insanity. Are we sure it's insanity, or are we just responding to how the world is changing around us? Do you know- An iPhone 7 has more processing power than the entire NASA organization had in 1969. That's around the time our parents were around adulthood, starting to work and forming families. And I can quote many such f

Dear Words

Dear Words, I am struggling, and I am new. Everyday tracking of page views, Google AdSense and affiliate account earning (if any), umpteen social media accounts, followers and following, stumbling and pinning, posting and reposting, Facebook groups and their admin, gaining entry and getting blocked, FB pages, and no. of likes,  and the list is endless. I am overwhelmed by the vastness of this world. I am out of breath already. Collapse I may anytime or quit. Should I? When I see myself in the ocean that I am in, I feel scared. There are so many people writing so well, blogging so well, skillful and artful, earning and thriving. And here I am scrambling to survive. When I quit my corporate career to follow 'WORDS,' I was unsure if I am doing the right thing. I followed 'WORDS,' and I am still uncertain if I am doing the right thing. Every day a new revelation, a new learning, and a new lesson. It's when you see millions of people who have been there, done tha

Being smart never goes out of fashion.

I shivered, reading Michelle Obama's words. " I never cut class. I loved getting A's; I liked being smart. I liked being on time. I thought being smart is cooler than anything in the world." The words echoed as I felt goosebumps on my body. My heart shriveled up as if aching from old pain, and my mind raced fast. I know what it means to cut class. I know what it entails to chase cuteness. I know how it feels to get an A. And I now know that being smart never goes out of fashion. It's the safest bet, actually. When I was in high school, I was a victim of the 'cute syndrome.' I was all of 16, and there is something about being 16. A lot is going inside, and then there is a threshold that you never get to know when you have crossed. There is a big ' YES' your heart says for every 'NO' that your mind says, and you oscillate like a pendulum. I surrendered to many YES’s only to realize later that I lost out on class, grades

What does the canvas teach?

To paint is to create a whole new world on a blank sheet. The world can be as beautiful as you want or as real as you see around. What you paint speaks volumes about you. I love painting autumn trees. There is some tranquility in knowing that everything comes to an end and fresh beginnings happen. It's calming to know - this too shall pass . The only words which make you smile amidst sorrow and be grounded when riding high on success. The only words capable of keeping the ' honsla '( strength) and ' umeed ' (hope) alive, kicking, breathing, and thriving. Image courtesy-Pixabay