
I am Applefied. I am Facebooked. I am Amazoned.

Everyone seems to be writing letters these days, so I thought I should jump the bandwagon and ‘Dell’ out my thoughts. Dear Facebook, Can you please put a restriction button on the number of 'Friends' that I can have? For example, on my birthday, some 85-people wished me (some of whom I have never met), but that day when I was sick with pneumonia, only two turned up, that also when I called them for help. So unfair. Also, can you please remove that 'Like' button? It creates anxiety if I have 1000 friends and only 30 likes come for that 'selfie’ I took near the Grand Canyon and that picture while I was cooking food in the kitchen. I deserve at least 999. Not fair again. Right? No.of Posts- A sincere request. Can we please have a restriction on the number of pictures that FB can display? I mean, 114 pictures of the engagement ceremony is a bit too much to handle. And if three ‘friends’ are getting engaged, it drowns me totally. Not to forget, there are wedding ceremoni

Meaningful Parenting- The first five years to the five senses-Part 2

Dear Technology, Do what you can, but don’t take away from me the simple pleasures of life. Be a part of my life but don’t engulf me, for I made you and not the other way around. From- A Parent. There are specific guidelines which we should keep in mind while regulating the use of the screen in our life and our child’s life. Before the age of five - Let the child explore his senses and learn by experience. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says NO to any screen time before the age of two. Post that the screen time should not exceed two hours. Around October 2015, it further relaxed its guidelines and asks parents to keep it at the minimum and, when exposed, to focus on the quality of the content and focus on interaction and learning. Scientists say that the best way to learn something is to take it in through multiple senses simultaneously. Learning rhymes and enjoying Music - Is there a better singer for an infant or a toddler than this mom? And play if

Meaningful Parenting- The first five the five senses - Part 1

Have you ever been with your phone on your favorite spot...sorry, I meant pot? If Yes, then continue reading. A debate too old, a concern as fresh as ‘NOW.’ Life today is all ‘SCREEN’ and ‘SCREENED.’ From electronic screen – television, smartphones, tablets, and computers to WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and much more- we are obsessed with being screened. Screen and its influence on children have always been dialectical in nature. However, the issue is under more storm now because the ‘SCREEN’ has invaded us anywhere and everywhere. From us to our children, it governs us from the office to bedroom to restrooms-its everywhere. OUR LIFE RIGHT NOW Well, that looks and sounds audacious and rude, and I guess ill-mannered, but that's with reality. We don't like it when the truth is spoken in clear terms. We live in a different world than what our parents inhabited. The basic theme is- any child will learn what you make him/her learn.   Either th

I don't want Sunday a holiday for myself- It's not about < ,> or = in a family.

I do my bit , and you do your bit. Each 'BIT' counts. Each  'BIT '  is valuable in a family. I know you are around , and you know I am there...doing our 'BIT .' My family is not my employer. My family is beyond weekdays and weekends and vacations. My family is beyond salary slips and I-cards. And what I do for my family is no job. Whatever I do for my family, I do for my 'JOY.' Trust. It gives me pure joy to see them all taken care of.  As far as my rest is concerned and their share of responsibility, I don't need a special day for it.  Their share of love, affection, and care is there for me every day. Because when I close the kitchen and switch off the light at 11 pm, I see my husband toiling on his con calls, his shoulders dropping with exhaustion. My 3-year-old is sleeping soundly after doing his clean-up of toys.  If I am doing laundry on Saturday, my husband is busy running around to get the week's groceries. If I am cleaning up the