
The Error of Hope

Naina gave a hurtful look to Samar. He was sipping tea with a worried expression. “Fresh clothes, evening tea, what more does one want in life?”  “What is wrong w ith you, Naina? You can't see me having tea in peace?  “No, I cannot see anyone peaceful when my inside is breaking. It's been 6 years, Samar, and I feel like a castaway, wrecked and stranded?” hollered Naina. I have fallen between the cracks, and it hurts Samar,” Naina tried to raise her voice, but the rivers brimming in the eyes flooded her throat. She fell on the kitchen floor, tears making tiny pools on the grey tiles. Click on  The Error of Hope  to read the full story. Image courtesy-Pixabay.

One 'Sobremesa a day' - There is nothing great about a family meal except

Except that in a culture of 'INSTANT' and 'DISTRACTION,' one family meal is where One disconnects to connect. A frenzied screen life(that's how I define our regular life today) finds some time to stop by and look beyond the screen. Google university is replaced by life's essential lessons shared via experience. A meal is appreciated. They say eating is a necessity, but cooking is an art. And the person who cooks for the family blends labor and love with art to present the plate that comes before you. How can one not appreciate and feel grateful? And food definitely tastes better when you eat it with your family. And nutrition blends with togetherness to provide a complete experience to the body. Nutrition is not only about eating right and eating healthy. If the food on the plate does not have a sense of emotion, the nutritious meal can hardly matter. The feelings come from family. The feelings of sharing, bonding, and connecting w

May your 2019 fly like Bugatti Chiron 261MPH

You see, A PARADISE DOESN’T EXIST. YOU MUST CREATE IT. And to top, it all, rule your thoughts with tyranny and dictatorship. I have never seen a worse master than our THOUGHTS. You let it loose, and it rains mayhem. Make it your slave; choose the thoughts that facilitate your well–being. You leave the gate opened, and serpents will enter your living room, pull out your favorite wine, take control over your TV and have merriment at your expense. CHOOSE WHAT YOU THINK, AND THAT WILL MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE. I wish you all a busy year ahead... have an overflowing plate. To read the full article, click on  May your 2019 fly like Bugatti Chiron 261MPH Image courtesy-

Your child's fascination with the the big G.

"This is your private part. Nobody should touch it or see it. Only your mom, dad and your doctor can. Never touch your friend's private parts and do not allow anyone to touch yours. It’s private.” "What is private mamma?" “Private means, it belongs to you only and nobody should see it, touch it. Also, we do not talk about it with everyone. If you want to talk about it, come to papa or me.”  That's my chant to my child.Blaming the other child for all the ills my child develops, is NOT ON MY AGENDA. Click on the link to read the full article on  Mompresso Image courtesy-Pixabay

Gujiya- The roads never end.

It is another thing that you do not want to look at the one opening in front of you, that you are not able to gather courage to take that first step, that you are so attached to your previous road that you do not find any other road worth it. Click on the link to read the winning story----------- GUJIYA Image courtesy-Pixabay


“ Happiness is a choice Naina. Comparison is a choice. Making a choice is a choice . I am just trying to get across one point Naina.  CHOOSE . Is it so difficult to not look at others? Are you so unoccupied and if that is the case Naina Roy, I Sanjukta Sircar will tell you the biggest secret why I choose to work till now. An empty mind was a devil’s workshop and continues to be so. Social Media has added to the power of this demon. If you do not have something productive to do, find one, start one. It requires one to be brave because we love our comfort zone. It is the best place to settle in but it soon starts rotting and decaying and you have to get out of it. That, undoubtedly calls for some effort and courage which you have shown. To me you are a bright kid and your start –up looks like a great idea. What is the problem then? Your friends and their FB posts? Delete your FB account if you cannot handle it. Click on the link to read the winning story- Choices   Image

Just living is not enough.

Both came from small towns, Durgapur and Lucknow, respectively, and both placed their career chart much above the marriage  kundli  and the ‘ chattis gun .’ 7th August 2018 “Naina, come on in. Congratulations. How does it feel? I am so happy for you. You deserve every bit of it,” said Chandana, the 42-year-old, Director, Marketing, Xerox India, rising from her seat, hugging Naina as she entered her room. “You are the Virat Kohli of my team,” she added, patting Naina’s back and pulling a chair for her. Click on the link to read the full story - Just living is not enough. Image courtesy-Pixabay