Four Clover Life Magazine- Upside Down

This July, Hope, Perseverance, and Ingenuity launched towards our neighbor- Mars, on their 7-month long journey, each assigned with the task of unraveling the mystery of the red planet. I am amazed at the tenacity and fortitude of our space missions and the teams in the face of the crisis we all, unfortunately, find ourselves in. Howbeit, I am also struck by the beautiful coincidence of what is up there, and we need down here on planet Earth-Hope, Perseverance, and Ingenuity to stand tall in front of the invisible mighty opponent.

There is hardly any aspect of life where the 'virus' has not sneaked into and turned our life upside down. The center of our narrative has shifted heavily, and as I write, the noun has immense possibility of becoming a verb-You see, in the year 2020, we got 'virussed,' and then life was never the same. What started in late 2019, spread over 2020, and we know- we have to wait, hang in there for some time before the case is dismissed forever. 

However, as I write, it is not the virus that I would like to give the precious spotlight to. The attention, the seriousness, and the spotlight belong to the phenomena called CHANGE- the only constant(aah! what a cliched oxymoron:). It was, it is, and will always be how we know life, the way we live life.

Can you wish it away? Can we stop change from not happening? And can one deny that despite all the triteness and discomfort that CHANGE brings, adapting to it is the only way to survive, most importantly -THRIVE? Change helps renew our faith. Change makes a hero out of us. So, while we are trying to adapt and evolve under the changing circumstances, FCL Club members have come up with a student's E-Magazine to further their creative prowess.

FCL magazine cover story-Upside Down is a sneak peek into my child's life and your child when hit by the change. Do they run for cover, or do they fight (read adapt) wearing a batman suit? This story is sure to delight and leave your child pondering over existential questions in their own small or big way. Apart from this, other team members have written about what it means to learn the Emergency way and how to make the most of it, how does it feel to be on the anvil of a Transition-elementary to middle school, stories around Discrimination, and important Interviews with two high school students who reflect on the precious years of school and have something truly valuable to share with us. Not to forget, the team has mischief up their sleeve too to entertain you.

I hope you find this edition enjoyable and enlightening. Please take the time to write back to us at and tell us what you loved about it and what you think we could improve on. My best wishes to the team and their first step.

Thank you,

Namrata Shailendra Singh


Click on the link to read the magazine- Upside Down


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