Dear Son, why should I let you go?

It is to paint the canvas of life together. Some parts will be hazy, some bright, some nicely curved, and some just blank...but a beautiful one. It's the journey together that is important and not what you get out of it.
Son-They say my role in your life is to give you roots and wings and then I will have to let you go. I don't think that can ever happen. You are my child and what you mean to me can not be defined just between roots and wings. I shall not let you go. Why should I? Let go is a problematic word for me. You let go when people and events are so bitter that they are scarring your present and have the potential to scar your future.

Why do I need to let go of a bond which defines me beautifully and the bond which has given me the deepest and the greatest satisfaction one can have in a lifetime?
I shall let you be and let you charter your life, standing right where we both started our journey together. I will see you from my frail window, flying and falling and again flying. And when you call for me, you will find me right beside you. I cannot let you go. I shall not. My umbilical cord connection is beyond all the wise words that say-Let go. For I know it's not that way,it shall never be. I think the strength and the beauty lie in being close to you yet not to step on you, to know when to knock on your door and when to just watch over your home.
I did not let go of my parents. They are the ground on which I stand. I think every child should know that parents are not for a phase. They are for a lifetime. Their role in life changes at various stages, but it doesn't cease. There is no start or stop button to this role. Children need to value the ground on which they stand. As far as expectations and attachment are concerned, the ones who say that they don't expect and have learned to me, they are just hiding their wound or healing it. We are human beings, and to 'let go' a bond like this is unthinkable. Yes, it may hurt if you don't find your child around when you need him, don't hear 'I LOVE YOU' as many times as you would want to hear, but it would hurt anyway. Saying- "I don't expect and it is okay, he/she has a life to live" is a statement well said but very poorly lived. It shall hurt. We are real beings with real emotions.

My son-I am, and I shall be your Mom till my last breath. In between, life can play tricks with me and you and expectations and attachment. I shall take it in my fold. But I won't let you go. I don't want to let you go. 
Love forever-MOM.


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